
DB_BLOCK_CHECKINGcontrols whether Oracle performs block checking for data blocks. When this parameter is set totrue, Oracle performs block checking for all data blocks. When it is set tofalse, Oracle does not perform. block checking for blocks in the user tablespaces. However, block checking for theSYSTEMtablespace is always turned on.

Oracle checks a block by going through the data on the block, making sure it is self-consistent. Block checking can often prevent memory and data corruption. Block checking typically causes 1% to 10% overhead, depending on workload. The more updates or inserts in a workload, the more expensive it is to turn on block checking. You should set


if the performance overhead is acceptable




DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUMdetermines whether DBWnand the direct loader will calculate achecksum(a number calculated from all the bytes stored in the block) and store it in the cache header of every data block when writing it to disk. Checksums are verified when a block is read-only if this parameter istrueand the last write of the block stored a checksum. In addition, Oracle gives every log block a checksum before writing it to the current log.

If this parameter is set tofalse, DBWncalculates checksums only for theSYSTEMtablespace, but not for user tablespaces.

Checksums allow Oracle to detect corruption caused by underlying disks, storage systems, or I/O systems. Turning on this feature typically causes only an additional 1% to 2% overhead. Therefore, Oracle Corporation recommends that you setDB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM to true


可以看到,DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM只是在写入(DBWn常规写法或用户进程直接路径写入),根据一个CHECKSUM算法,计算数据块的校验和。然后写入数据块的一个特定位置(CACHE HEADER,具体是块的16-17字节,以0字节起算)。在读取块时,再进行检验。主要是防止IO硬件和IO子系统的错误。



实际上,即使将该参数设为TRUE,将数据块(包括SYSTEM表空间)的16-17字节清0,同时将15字节(flag),第3位(即值为16进制 0x04)清为0,则在块读取时也不会做CHECKSUM检查。如果该参数为FALSE,对于除SYSTEM的其他表空间,如果原来有CHECKSUM 值,将15-16字节清0也不会做CHECKSUM检查。


2 comments untill now

  1. […] 在之前的一篇文章db_block_checking和db_block_checksum,简要地描述了db_block_checking和db_block_checksum这两个参数的作用以及性能方面的影响。在10gR1及这前的版本中,这两个参数可以设置为false和true。而在10gR2版本中,这两个参数发生了一点变化。 […]

  2. […] 在之前的一篇文章db_block_checking和db_block_checksum,简要地描述了db_block_checking和db_block_checksum这两个参数的作用以及性能方面的影响。在10gR1及这前的版本中,这两个参数可以设置为false和true。而在10gR2版本中,这两个参数发生了一点变化。 […]

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